The truth behind Donald Trump

Scrolling through Facebook, you see many videos and blurbs about the upcoming presidential election and the current primary elections. Most of this feed is filled with the racism, arrogance, and egotistical ways that many know as businessman Donald Trump. Donald Trump “stands for hatred of immigrants, racial superiority, and a sneering disregard of the basic civility that binds a society,” says New York Times columnist Timothy Egan.

I watch these videos of his rallies, astounded by the amount of people willing to follow him. How could a man who is tearing our country apart, be a willing contestant for the next president of the United States?

Make America great again? More like make America into a pit filled with racism and social injustice. I see these rallies filled with hatred and violence on the part of the Trump supporters. In many videos we see Trump blatantly incited violence at his events. In Iowa, Trump said “If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously. OK, just knock the hell…I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees.”

This isn’t the first time Trump incited violence at his rallies. At one rally he said of a demonstrator, “I’d like to punch him in the face, I tell ya.” And then said, “I love the old days. You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks.”

Trump has also been known for the many comments made to minorities and women. He has claimed to “cherish” women, but his actions speak otherwise. Fox News’ Megyn Kelly called him out on his sexist behavior during the GOP debate on August 6, reminding him: “You have called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs’, ‘dogs’, ‘slobs’, and ‘disgusting animals.”

Trump laughed off the question, claiming he doesn’t “have the time for total political correctness.” Later, Trump called Kelly a “bimbo” and said that he “didn’t recognize” the remarks she was referencing.

He also was reported saying “tens of thousands of people” were entering America with “cell phones with Isis flags on them…” He then later said, “[Muslims] are not coming to this country if I’m president.” He’s also has referred to Mexicans coming to the U.S. as  “people that have lots of problems” and how “they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists…”

This is the reality. Trump is not the man to be our next President. He has insulted his way through this primaries, aiming and firing at any target, from a disabled journalist to a POW, a female presidential candidate to a female debate moderator. He has made out entire groups (Mexicans, Muslims, refugees, immigrants, etc) as people to be feared and the cause of all your problems. We need someone who can handle situations in a calm, clear-headed way, meeting anger with resolve and that is not Donald Trump.