Donating lunch bags to homeless people

Mame Ndoye, Staff Writer

According to the Bowery Mission, homelessness brings a sense of loneliness that erodes the core of a person’s self-value. When you are homeless, a simple smile and a word of kindness can make a big difference in a day full of hardship. Be sure to acknowledge the homeless you encounter in the street or subway. Say a simple hello and talk to them and engage in a simple conversation. When you take your time to learn about your homeless neighbor, his or her story and family, you show that you care about them.

Donate to a food drive. If you can’t find a food drive in your area, there are plenty of other ways to donate food! Contact your local shelters, churches, and coalitions to ask what they need. This is especially useful around the holidays. One of the biggest problems with homelessness is misunderstanding who the homeless people are. Stereotypes and stigmatization make it hard for us to help others.

According to the EPA, we can be leaders in our communities by collecting unspoiled, healthy food and donating it to our neighbors in need. By donating food, we’re feeding people, not landfills, supporting local communities, and saving money.

According to CNN, giving money to homeless people is not the best way to help them because it might be squandered, or spent on harmful habits.”The homeless population continues to grow, and we keep applying the same old approaches,” said Claire Williams, the CEO and co-founder of Foundations for Social Change.Which is why we should try to change our approaches.