“The Inside Scoop” on “The Inside Scoop”

The many ice cream flavors of The Inside Scoop in North Kingstown.

As an employee at Inside Scoop, I took it upon myself to try every single flavor the store has to offer.  This means testing every flavor from original Chocolate to Rum Raisin.  Ice cream is typically a tasty treat, so if you have a unique palate then The Inside Scoop has flavors for you.  Personally I enjoy the popular flavors like Chocolate Brownie, Cookie Dough, and the famous Peanut Butter Oreo, all homemade of course.   Every single flavor at the inside scoop is made in the store behind the counter, yes there is a kitchen behind the counter, and put into our freezers to be served to our customers.

At the Inside Scoop, there are flavors that are only served during certain parts of the season.  These include Purple Penguin, Pumpkin, Mud Pie, and Cotton Candy. Also a few new flavors have been added to the menu:  Watermelon sherbert, Peanut Butter Oreo (which has just been added as a normal flavor) , doggie bowls, and yes, water bottles have been added to the menu.

Pumpkin flavored ice cream might seem like a fall flavor, but it works for all seasons.  This flavor tastes like graham cracker and cinnamon, and is most common way this is served up, is in a dish with chocolate sprinkles.

Cotton candy is new to the specials list this season, but have been served at Inside Scoop in previous seasons, but due to popular demand, has been brought back.  Since Inside Scoop does not use artificial dies, this flavor does not look like you would expect, but the sweet and light taste of ice cream with a great adaptation of the tasty treat.

Last but not least is Peanut Butter Oreo, which is a peanut butter, based ice cream with crushed up Oreos.  This flavor takes the age old trick of Peanut butter on Oreos, yes from The Parent Trap, and is spun into a delicious ice cream.  Not only has this flavor won an award, but has been the reason for customers from all around to visit and try it out.