No matter who: accept it

Madison Schermer, Assistant Opinion Editor

We live in the United States of America, where everyone has the opportunity to let their voices be heard and vote for the leader of this wonderful country. Sometimes the election does not go the way you want. Regardless of the result of the election, being violent and throwing a fit is not the answer. 

We see our cities boarded up and destroyed just because people think it is okay to ruin things when they do not get what they want.  In the last four years, the left has not set an excellent example of how to act when you do not get your way. Our cities have been destroyed. Riots run rampant. People are assaulted and bashed for their views on public platforms. So far, the election has not necessarily gone the way I want. There are 71+ million disappointed Republicans, yet not one city has been destroyed.

No matter what political party you belong to, we all should learn that throwing a fit when you don’t get what you want does not help anything. It makes everything much worse. Instead of having a conversation to resolve an issue, there is too much drama involved, and nobody can get their points across. When we have civil discussions, we can understand the other point of view and find common ground.

Sometimes things do not always work out in our favor. That is just the way the world works. We need to accept the results of the election and move on. If Joe Biden was legally elected, then he will be the president. We do not have to like it, but we can’t act irrationally. And if Donald Trump turns out to be once again elected as president because of  fraudulent voting on the left, we still need to accept it. Our country has been extremely divided this past year. Abraham Lincoln once said, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we lose our freedoms it will be because we have destroyed ourselves from within.” This is so true.  Whether Republican or Democrat, we are all Americans. We need to come together as Americans and hope for a better future, no matter who the president is.

Vic Vela
Vic Vela