Finding strength

I believe that the world is filled with karma, not only between people but how life deals you any type of situation, either positive or challenging.  I have had experience with this many times in my life, but one very significant event is my focus for this article.

Two months ago I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease, a form of Inflammatory Bowel Disease.  I was sick for months and weaker than I could  ever have imagined possible.

Once, someone told me that in life you may be thrown things that are unfair, or difficult to handle.  These challenges  may make you want to breakdown, but remember that life will never present an obstacle that you are not equipped to handle.  I have taped this guidance to my bedroom mirror to serve as a reminder every morning of how I am able.  I start my day with the mindset that I am able to work through anything that presents itself.  Now, my immediate solution to overcome an anxiety-provoking situation is to step away, take three deep breaths and return with a clear mind and plan of action.

The ultimate goal is to have such poise that faces the fear and, most importantly, the unknown, courageously.  Thus far in my recovery process I believe I have been gracefully handling the difficulties presented.

Through this difficult time I have learned a lot about myself, and I have received recognition from others about my ability to become stronger with a smile.

The aspect of this journey that has impacted me  the most  has been learning that I have an enormous support system.  I did not realize  how many people I am cared by, and at what level.  I feel these who have appeared in the last few months have demonstrated true compassion.    I was unaware of how important I am to them.  As a result of this I feel valued and a new level of connectedness.  Teammates, coaches, teachers, bosses, coworkers, old friends, parents, grandparents, aunts, and my brother have all played a huge part in my recovery, if only by wishing me kind thoughts and brighter days.  I am so lucky to be able to have them in my life in such a supportive way.   I feel less alone while also gaining more confidence knowing I can handle challenges and they will be there encouraging me.  Undoubtedly I would support any of these people in a time of need without  request.

From this situation, I have gained the knowledge that you can’t control everything.  My senior season in gymnastics- my passion- was when my body started to decline; I felt fatigued climbing stairs.  I ignored my body and practiced to reach goals I had set for my final season  when I was a freshman.  As it turns out, I was sick and unable to compete all events by the first meet.  Senior night was upsetting to watch, I belonged out there competing alongside the girls I had trained with for my high school career.  Ultimately I cheered the team on from the sidelines for the rest of the season.  It is frustrating to be out of control and have your goals go without checkmarks.

The lesson that revealed itself from gymnastics season is: listen to your body; at times you have no choice but to accept what is in your path by giving up control.  I have accepted my condition, and I forgive myself, especially for my final gymnastics season.  During the season I was still an active leader on the team without competing.  I genuinely loved participating in pasta parties, team events, and fundraisers, making them all count.  I have no regrets when I reflect on the season.   I surpassed any expectations I had for myself by growing and maturing as a person through life lessons.  I am proud of myself for exhibiting personal growth.  Much more than an eleventh season of gymnastics could predict.

I am in the process of learning how to care for my body and mind so I am a healthy, independent young adult.  The challenges I have faced over the last few months have prepared me for many future life endeavors.  I have proactively asked for help and advocated for myself with my teachers on account of make-up work.  I have never been one to ask for help, preferring to tackle challenges on my own.  I felt accomplished and independent after contacting teachers for extra help and getting the best results for me.  Having clear communication with everyone around you is crucial to set yourself up for success.  In college I will be able to handle adversity with ease, as a result of this experience.

From this time I have learned how having a bright attitude about new opportunities changes everything for the positive.  I, along with my extensive support system, have created a place of confidence and personal growth.  I honestly believe that I have what it takes to gracefully handle any situation life presents to me.