Clayborne keeps her cool

Tori Richard, Staff Writer

Whether it’s working at the Carriage Inn, working on competition cheer, practicing with the wrestling team, helping with Peer2Peer, or simply studying for tests, 15-year-old sophmore Takara Clayborne is constantly busy. When asked how she keeps up with all of her work, she said, “I have a PLT that I can use to get most of my work done and with studying after I get out of wrestling practice I study for tests and quizzes.” Clayborne, usually referred to as Kara, is your typical role model student — good grades, jobs, sports, extracurriculars. “I enjoy school, I like interaction with my friends and teachers and learning a bunch of new things. The only part that I dislike about school would be the early mornings and the walks to the bus stop. I think there should be half days on Wednesdays. I feel like it would be beneficial for the students,” she said. Though being a role model student, like everyone, she has her oddities. “I think one of my new weird habits is carrying around a notebook and pen with me to write down anything and everything that I am feeling at the moment no matter if it is good thoughts or bad. ” But everyone can keep those under control. As for staying organized, Takara uses her own list on how to keep herself maintained and organized:

  1. I write all of my assignments in my daily planner and color code them with priorities;
  2.  All of my practice schedules get put into my phone calendar;
  3.  All of my classes are organized by day 1 and 2 so that way I can minimize how much notebooks and binders I am holding;
  4.  I carry two backpacks to school: one has my school notebooks and binders and everything that I need for school and in my other one I have a change of clothes and both pairs of shoes I need and snacks;
  5.  The night before I plug in my Chromebook, phone, and airpods so I am all set for the next day and then I pick out a change of clothes for cheer and wrestling and the clothes I am going to wear to school.