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The Current Wave

The Current Wave

Peter Kaiser, Staff Writer

Junior Peter Kaiser has lived all around the globe, including (but not limited to) North Carolina, California, Florida, Virginia, and Japan. His favorite home was an island off Japan’s mainland, where he collected many vivid stories from the monsoon seasons. While his family was stationed there with the Marines, Peter fell in love with the people, food, culture, and Japan’s distinctly unique atmosphere. Despite all the pins on his world map, Peter’s exploration is not limited to geographical destinations; he loves to write anything from poetry to news articles, and to learn about how theology and philosophy apply to life. Constantly inspired, Peter also plays the piano and guitar. His current unemployment status is credited to his decision to focus on education and the swim team instead, but he still finds time to hang out with friends and nurture his many hobbies. If Peter could teleport away from the newsroom, you would catch him seeing Western Europe for the first time, or returning to Asia once again.

All content by Peter Kaiser
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