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The Current Wave

The Current Wave

Redwood Wright, Staff Writer

Senior Redwood Wright did not grow up in a forest in California as his name would indicate, but rather the island of Jamestown where he developed a passion for sailing. His sailing competitions have brought him down to Miami Florida, where he got to see a glimpse of LeBron James’ house and his family vacations have brought him further south to Costa Rica, where he enjoyed seeing raccoons hanging out in their backyard like pets. Aside from sailing, Redwood enjoys working out, spending time with his friends, and playing video games (though he wishes he spent more time reading). He isn’t a big fan of rules and prompts in writing, which is part of why he finds journalism so fascinating. If Redwood could travel anywhere in the world, you would find him in Rome, but if he could travel anywhere at all, he’d be in space.

All content by Redwood Wright
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