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The Current Wave

The Current Wave

Kay Raymond, Staff Writer

You might not recognize sophomore Kay Raymond from NKHS’s plays or musicals, but that’s because he spends his time backstage, now working as assistant stage manager. He’s no stranger to music, equipped with the ability to play the guitar and piano, though he would also like to learn to play the drums. Growing up a military kid with a parent in the Air Force, Kay found himself living everywhere, his favorite place being Southern Germany. He enjoyed how easy it was to travel to other countries and often took weekend trips to places like Paris, though if he could travel anywhere in the world, he would go to somewhere in Southeast Asia, like the mountains of Laos. Kay loves Wes Anderson’s fictional worlds and has seen The Grand Budapest Hotel at least 25 times. He would also love to live in Star Wars’ fictional world, though he’s afraid he would die there. Kay finds himself drawn to journalism because of its uncensored and utterly human nature — it allows him to write about anything from his love of instant ramen and the season of fall to the concert he attended to celebrate his recent 16th birthday.

All content by Kay Raymond
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