Illustration by Mr. Rob Silveira
At North Kingstown High School, all the students have their thoughts on who should win the 2020 presidential election this November 3. Some believe we should re-elect Republican Donald Trump and his vice president, Mike Pence. Others believe America needs Democrat Joe Biden and his vice president, Kamala Harris.
According to his official campaign website, (donaldjtrump.com), Trump promises to create ten million more jobs in ten months, increase our military strength, bring home troops to avoid pointless conflicts, increase border security, develop a Covid-19 vaccine by the end of 2020, and return the people’s “corona-affected” lives back to normal in 2021.
According to Biden’s campaign website, (joebiden.com), he promises to bring us police reform, move toward clean energy and provide clean energy jobs, make free COVID-19 testing more widely available, develop a COVID-19 vaccine, protect the Affordable Care Act, and take action to reduce gun violence in the United States.
To get a good idea of what NKHS wants, three students were interviewed and asked to share who they wanted to win the election.
“To be honest, I’m undecided at the moment. I think both candidates bring different things to the table, but there’s plenty I don’t like about both of them,” said junior Troy Fielding.
Like Fielding, many people believe that both candidates have their fair share of positive and negative points, so many may find who to choose on their ballot difficult this November. But many others know for a fact who they want to win. Many believe a new president is just what we need.
Sophomore Maille Sullivan said she wants Joe Biden to win because “he supports women’s rights, believes in science and global warming and isn’t racist.”
However, there are also many students who believe re-electing President Donald Trump will be our country’s best move.
“Trump has done a pretty good job with creating more jobs and keeping the unemployment rate down. And I like how he cracks down on illegal immigration. I don’t know if a wall is the right answer though. Also, he has done a pretty good job with our military,” said sophomore Garrett Sullivan.
To get a better idea of how many students prefer each candidate, we released a survey, these were our results.

According to our poll of 183 students, 67.2 percent want Joe Biden to win, 24 percent want Donald Trump to win, and 8.7 percent want a third-party candidate to win.
The data tells us that the majority of NKHS students believe that America needs to elect Joe Biden this November.

(images are from each candidate’s respective campaign website)